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Colli Albani Doc, Patrizio wine
Produced in suggestive roman ills and in Albano, Ariccia, Castel Gandolfo and Pomezia territory along the valleys that surrounded the wonderful view of the lake Albano, the Colli Albani Doc is one of the most famous Lazio wine know and appreciate in all the world.
This wine is produced by white Malvasia Candia (60%) and Lazio Malvasia (5-45) grape adding yellow Trebbiano and Trebbiano Soave (25-30%).
The place of his production is very suggestive and vineyards ripe near the Ville Tuscolane, sanctuaries, abbeys spread in this side of Lazio. The color of the wine is yellow straw and may be with golden with processing that should not exceed two years.
Take the name alcolimetro with 11.5% degree and Colli Albani Superiore DOC if overcomes the a maximum of 12 % degree. Is typical white wine excellent with fisches dishes or with vegetables foods, but the best combination are the flavors of regional cuisine as cold cuts above all Porchetta of Ariccia. Porchetta is a fat dish with spice and sweet taste, the right combination is white wine Colli Albani DOC because it is cool and light . Bring typical taste in the same territory is a pleasing of recent years a way to rediscover the soul of the place through true products.
Never we can ignore the details during our travels, we can't separate wine, food and territory and the alliance with the past and stories.